Client Stories
One of the most ethical and professional practitioners I have ever met
I have known Carmel Hotai Cochrane for 12 years, as both a client and student.
Carmel is one of the most ethical and professional practitioners I have ever met. As a business woman she runs a tight ethical ship based on holistic principles. In her business she brings her decades of bodywork, beauty therapy, product knowledge, healing and intuitive understanding of people, together.
She can provide healing to an individual, a whānau, a Kawai whakapapa all at the same time. Carmel can do this in person or remotely- such is the strength of her skill.
He mātanga rongoa Maori a Carmel, ahakoa te āhua o te kanohi, te tae o te kiri, te nanunanu o te ārero, te reo whakapiki te ārero ano hoki.
He ringa ngāio, he tohunga whakamahu wairua a ia. Kaati.
Nōku te manuka takoto.
Andrea Po Roa Tunks
Te Whanau a Apanui- Te Whakatōhea
BA LLM (Auckland) First Class Honours
Rise 2025 Life Coach
Associate Coach in Training, International Coaching Federation
Treaty of Waitangi Lawyer -
This is the word that springs to mind when I think about what Carmel did to me. I have never received so much love in my life in one hour. Not only did she save my life but she gave me clear directions and most importantly HOPE for the future.
Every word was important and spoke to my heart directly. I have listened to the recording many times and she was spot on in everything she said. Talking about money is irrelevant because you cannot really put a price on saving someone from committing suicide. If I had the money I would definitely pay $50, 000 for what this one-hour session with her.
I met her in February 2017. I am still blown away by her reading and healing. I am also still lost for words to describe my emotions but I think it is only fair she gets this honest feedback from me. My parents and family in France would also like to express their immense gratitude to Carmel. I am now focusing on being a better person and helping others the best way I can. I have now a clear understanding of what a genuine HEALER is and I will forever be grateful for what she did for me and my family.
Ivan K - New Zealand
Always spot on
Carmel needs no reviews, as her work speaks for itself – it’s revolutionary. Every time she successfully moves emotional boulders lifts heavy energy we may be carrying and re-balances all the indecision in our minds. Due to her intuitive skills, she doesn’t need to ask any questions as can sense the second you walk through the door what is going on in your life and what needs work. I recommend her by 150% to anyone looking for direction and balancing. Her busy schedule both in New Zealand and overseas is a testament to her authenticity and brilliance. You will not be disappointed.
Nicole W - New Zealand
Truely Gifted
Carmel is lovely. Her energy is wonderful as she communicates with those on the other side. Not only did I get messages and confirmation from my loved ones who had passed over, but she also told me a lot about my future. She was spot on about what I had been through, what I was going through, and described my children perfectly. She could also see the future of my grown-up daughters. I highly recommend Carmel.
Dill S - New Zealand
Insightful Healing
I see Carmel once or twice a year. I don’t say anything and she knows exactly what I am there for. I find it reassuring that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. It also provides a lot of clarity surrounding things in my life that are causing me to worry.
I always feel calmer and more relaxed when I walk out the door, and it often helps me quell those swirling thoughts and concerns from my mind! I always think about Carmel as being my counsellor with insight.
Katie N, New Zealand
When I first had my session on Skype with Carmel, I was desperate I wanted to end my life. I had no reason to live. I had not left my home in 2 years. I was suffering from panic attacks, Complex PTSD symptoms. I was a mess. As a result of being held against my will where I was kidnapped, sexual and physically assaulted over the course of a 6 month period. I never thought I would ever be well again.
Due to what I had been through, I had treatment every week for a year, except for the first month. I had two Skype sessions a week even though Carmel was on holiday with her family. As you can imagine words could never express the gratitude that I have for her. Atua Healing has saved me.
My whole family truly love her as my parents were so fearful that they might lose me. Vielen Dank Engel Carmel, mein Leben ist jetzt wunderbar!
Hanna J, Germany
The Skype Factor
I initially thought it would be a little bit strange and distracting to do healing via Skype because it being a virtual thing and one not being in the direct presence of the other body. But I found it was really effective and I could connect myself to my sensations and feelings and receive Carmel’s guidance and healing.
It was a new experience for me and I recommend it to those who need help but do not live in New Zealand. Love and Peace.
Delfina E - Argentina
When I first contacted Carmel, I was in a loveless marriage, I hated my job and where I lived. At first, I thought how can healing work over Skype? So I decided I had to get on a plane from Poland and meet her personally in her clinic. Little did I know my whole life was about to change when I entered her clinic.
The healing was unbelievable her insight into why I kept repeating the same patterns. Finally, she gave me an enormous understanding as to why. I then went back to Poland and I was so surprised that her healing over Skype was the same as being in her clinic there truly was no difference. Over a course of a year, I had healing every week. I started to feel good about myself, I felt stronger, calmer.
Today I am living in a new country in a loving relationship that I thought was not possible. With Carmel's help, I was able to gain confidence to actually retrain where I am making a difference in peoples’ lives. Thank you, Carmel.
Zofia Z - Poland
When I meet Carmel, I was working in a job where I was being bullied daily, it was truly awful. I had lost all of my confidence. I needed my job because I was supporting my daughter and my mother.
I did not expect my life to be like this at 43. When I couldn't sleep, I was suffering from panic attacks, which I was hiding from everyone. Carmel insisted that I needed help from my Doctor and to seek out a therapist. I was not expecting that approach but she explained that the medication had a place in my healing process, as I still had to hold down a job and keep a home going as my mother has severe arthritis.
Her approach with me was to look at my life like a jig-saw puzzle. She helped me to put all the pieces of my life back together. Today I am no longer in that terrible job, I'm not on any medication anymore. I maintain my healing with her about every eight to twelve weeks, she says I'm fine and I can stretch it out further. Truth is, I never want to visit that old place.
Sarah H , New Zealand
You’re welcome to share your experience
It has been a real honour to see you become well in your life. Thank you God, for giving me these gifts to help all your children.
Arohanui, Carmel